Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Getting Closer!

On my last post, I mentioned that my next appointment was scheduled for Tuesday with Dr. Morton. Well, as soon as I had posted that, it changed. Dr. Goldman (my internationally-traveling OB) called me on Friday with Thursday's lab results - my platelets had dropped back to 72, but everything else was okay. He felt comfortable with me continuing at home for the weekend, but didn't want me to wait until Tuesday to come back to the office ... I had to reschedule for Monday with a different doctor. I was a bit confused about the "rush" - but I certainly don't know enough to question his decisions.

So, yesterday (Monday), we headed to see Dr. Roginsky. My parents came up for the appointment, "just in case..." Dr. Roginsky was super-nice. She answered all of my questions (a full page!), and then explained that a few of the "factors" Dr. Goldman had been concerned with were starting to change. I had started spilling more protein - moving from a "trace" to "plus 2" level. My blood pressure was also a bit higher than she would have liked to see it (131/95). So, she sent me off to the hospital (again) for more checking... blood work and monitoring of the baby, contractions, & my blood pressure. After 3+ hours in the hospital, we learned that my platelets are "over 100" - but they couldn't get an exact count because they're too large (possibly clumping together?). A count of "over 100" is good, though. That's the minimum for having an epidural! If they fall lower than 100 on the day I go in to deliver, I'll have to go without. ((ouch!)) My blood pressure was fine the entire time I was there, so that wasn't a huge concern for them. The only thing left to check on is the protein, so I got another "pee hat" and bucket. Good times! I did learn a lot from the last time I did a 24-hour collection about the importance of being careful when removing the "hat" from the toilet seat. Splashes are NOT fun. :) So, I'll be collecting until this afternoon - will return the bucket to the doctor's office & then hopefully get results back on Wednesday.

Other exciting news from yesterday's appointment... I am now 2 cm dilated, 70% effaced, and Savannah is at "minus 1" station. According to the monitoring machine at the hospital, I'm definitely having contractions (2-3 per hour), though they're not painful yet... just the pressure & tightness. Our little girl is working hard to come join us! We'll keep you posted as more developments arise.

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  1. Julie, Pee away and no spills! I love the name Savannah!! Thanks for keeping me posted.

  2. Yikes - so much adventure! We can't believe how close you're getting to delivery...every day we wonder if we'll get a message letting us know that little miss Savannah Grace has made her grand entrance. We're so eager to meet her! xoxox Melissa, David & Ollie

  3. Glad to hear all is well. Will keep checking to see when Savannah will finally make her debute!


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