Friday, July 24, 2009

Getting Started?!?!

We went to see the OB on Thursday morning. Not much had changed at that point - I'm still 3 cm, 70-80% effaced, and minus 1 station. My blood pressure was not so good sitting up, but once they let me lie down, it was fine. Savannah did great on her Non-Stress Test, which was fabulous news. They don't seem to be worried about her at all - she seems to love "Hotel Mommy" ... and we were beginning to wonder if she'd ever want to leave!

...Until yesterday afternoon. Around 3:00, I started having contractions. At first, they were about 30 minutes apart - and I could definitely tell that I was contracting. Until yesterday, all of my contractions were mainly just pressure. I'm starting to understand the pain side of contractions now. :) Anyway, after a few contractions that were about 30 minutes apart, they dropped to 45 min. apart... then 20, and through the night I woke up about once an hour with a contraction. I was able to go back to sleep for about 30-45 min. between each contraction, except for I was awake from 3-4 am. During that time, I had 2 smaller contractions - so I'm thinking that was probably happening during the other times I was sleeping & not just waking up from the pain.

At yesterday's appointment, they scheduled me for an induction for next Wednesday (July 29) - the day after my due date. Dr. Roginsky said that she doesn't want to wait too long after my due date with all of the issues I've been having (even though things are starting to look a bit better in some areas). I kind-of doubt that we're going to make it that long, but at least we know it won't be any longer than that.

We have been praying that Savannah will decide to check out of "Hotel Mommy" on her own. Inductions are much more painful and much longer, from my understanding, and not knowing if I'll be able to have an epidural makes that a bit frightening. If the past 12 hours are any indication, we seem to be on our way toward this goal. We'll continue to post updates on the blog as we are able. Much love to all!

~Julie, Michael, & Savannah

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! We are thinking of you and praying for a fast and easy delivery - SOON! xoxoxox Melissa, David & Ollie


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