Thursday, February 25, 2010

So Much to Play With, So Little Time!

Since I last wrote, I have been having lots of fun. So much fun, in fact, that I haven't had time to get back on the computer and update everyone. So, I'll try to catch you up now...
I went to my first Super Bowl Party. What fun... I even got to dress up like a cheerleader! Mommy said that the Panthers weren't playing that night, but I wanted to support the home team! :)

A few weeks ago, Grandma Judy, Grandpa Rod, and Aunt Karlene came to visit. What fun! We played and played and played!!! Here are some pictures from that weekend...
It has started getting warm here in the Carolinas. That sure is nice! I like being outside, so I hope we'll be able to go outside more often! Here's a picture of Daddy and me hanging out on the back porch. Mommy put this big hat on my head - she says it was to protect my head from the sun, but I think she just likes the way it looks on me. Cute, huh?

My great-grandmother, Nana Lou (GG), and my Nana Daune and Papa Charlie came to visit, too. GG brought me this pink frog - she's pretty cool. She gives me lots of kisses. I'm learning how to give Mommy and Daddy kisses, too. I even try to make kissy-sounds (mmmm-wah) when I give them sugar! :)

I sure do like my new spring dresses! They're so much fun to play with - I can't wait until I can twirl around! Mommy says that I look pretty, but she is having a hard time getting me to sit still enough to take pictures, though. I sure do like to move around! I'm not crawling yet, but I can roll around pretty well, and I can almost pull myself up to stand up.

Mommy and Daddy think it's funny how I sleep now. I don't know what's so funny; this looks comfy to me! :) I overheard Mommy say to Daddy the other day that I was in the "crawling position" when I sleep. They seem to think I'll be crawling any day now. THAT sounds like a good time! I keep looking around and thinking about all of the things I'll be able to get into once I really start moving!

Whether or not I'm ready to crawl, I sure am a happy girl. I can scooch myself around, even in my crib, and I'm definitely starting to figure out how things work.

I'd love to hear from any of my friends. To leave me a note, click on "COMMENTS" below! Love to all!
~Savannah Grace~

1 comment:

  1. Is it possible for Savannah to look any cuter? She is so adorable & yes, I do realize I write that same statement every time I am on here.
    She is getting so big and growing into her own little personality and that smile...oh that smile it melts your heart! It is the most precious, amazing site!
    I think the 2 best shots were Banana looking at her spring dress & then her smiling in her "crawling/sleeping" position. You get such great pictures of her at just the right moments.
    You guys are doing an awesome job, look how happy Savannah is!!! It comes from you two!
    Keep the posts coming.


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