Saturday, December 12, 2009

Four Months and Counting...

Savannah had her four-month check-up a couple of weeks ago... (Sorry for the lack of posts recently. I've been a bit consumed with life lately!) She has been super healthy and growing like a little weed. As of December 1st, she weighed 13 pounds, 5 ounces and measured in at 24 inches... 2 whole feet! I guess we can now officially say that our home has been expanded by 2 feet! :)

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving with both of our families coming to our home. Savannah got to see all of her grandparents, including great-grandmother Nana Lou, her Auntie Melissa, Uncle David, and Cousin Ollie. It was wonderful to have so many members of our family at our home. We're looking forward to seeing even more family members in the next couple of weeks as we celebrate our first Christmas with Savannah.

Savannah has now started to hold onto her toys, reach out and grab them (and anything she thinks looks like fun... paper, computer screens, you know... whatever!). She, of course, LOVES to put all of these fun things into her mouth. Books, in particular, seem to be very tasty. Hmmm...

Since it has been so long, I'll post several pictures below for your viewing enjoyment. I'll try to put together another slideshow in the next couple of days, so check back! (If you're new to our blog, scroll down for more pictures, videos, and stories.)

An Update from Savannah:

This is my giraffe. Her name is Sophie. She's a very good friend. We go everywhere together. She likes it when I give her a bath with my mouth. I like it when she squeaks. The other night, Mommy and Daddy were watching the movie "Three Men and a Baby" and they spotted Sophie in the movie! I never knew she was a movie star. Pretty cool that I'm friends with someone so famous!

This is a picture of me and Daddy. We went to a Fall Festival several weeks ago. It was warm that day, so I had to wear my hat. Now, it's cold and Mommy has a different hat for me to wear. I'm not sure if hats are "in" right now, but the pink furry one that Mommy puts on me when we go out now sure does feel good against my bald spot!

One day, Daddy kept taking pictures of me in my car seat. This is a picture when I was telling him, "ENOUGH." I mean, I know I'm cute, but just how long does a photo shoot have to last?!?!

I finally gave in & let Daddy get a good shot here...

Here is one of my Christmas pictures. Mommy has taken A LOT of these. She says we have to find a cute one, but I mean, seriously! How hard can that be? Oh- we went to visit this big guy called Santa Claus the other day. That was F.U.N. stuff! He was so cuddly! Maybe we can go again sometime. Merry Christmas, everyone! Love, Savannah

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