Tuesday, June 9, 2009

6 Weeks To Go!

We're getting SO CLOSE to our due date... but it sure does seem like a long way away! Lots has been going on since my last post, so I'll try to hit the highlights...
  • Spring Break: Back in April, Michael & I went to Hilton Head with my parents during Spring Break. It was so great to get away. I know this picture was a while ago, but it does show the "bump" at that point... :)

  • Baby Showers! I've had two wonderful showers. It was so great to see so many of my friends and to be able to celebrate our little miracle with them! Here are a couple of pictures...

  • Doctor Visits: I'm going to see Dr. Goldman, my Obstetrician, every 2 weeks now. At my last visit, I heard the baby's heartbeat (164 bpm), got my belly measured, & had more bloodwork. My iron is back up where it needs to be, which was fabulous news, but my platelets had been"slightly low." There's nothing that can be done for a low platelet count (vitamins, etc.), and if the count is too low when I go in for delivery, I wouldn't be able to have an epidural. Yikes! Fortunately, I just found out that despite the past 2 sets of bloodwork getting lower each time, last Thursday's set of bloodwork turned out great My platelets are back up to the "normal" level. This means I won't have to see a hematologist. Yay!!!

  • Nursery Prep: We've been working to get the nursery together... and it's really starting to come together. We got it painted (by a wonderful company... good prices, very thorough, etc.). If you need a room painted, let me know & I'll give you the name of the company. We were very impressed. Anyway, it's painted in a pretty pastel green color. We picked up all of the furniture - and even got the crib put together (thanks to Michael & two of our wonderful friends from church). I'll post some pictures of this soon... just have to get the camera in there! :)

  • Nesting: I've definitely been nesting lately. Michael's mom (Judy) was here for my last Baby Shower, and she was able to stay for a few days afterwards. As always, she was a tremendous help - we sanitized & disinfected all of the baby equipment (bouncy seat, swing, toys, etc.)... Judy helped wash & prep all of the baby clothes... there's so much to do, but we got a lot done in those few days after the shower. Michael has even been nesting! His nesting is more garage/yard oriented... He's been working on the yard a lot & even built a shelf in the garage with the help of some friends. Check out the pictures below. My mom & grandmother ended up coming this week to help with some other nursery stuff... and to take care of me since I can't seem to stay on my feet. That story's next...

  • The Rise and "Fall" On Tuesday, Michael had Field Day at school. I didn't want him to get sunburned, so before he left I sprayed some sunscreen on him. To make a long story short, I did this on the wood floor in our kitchen/dinette area. Later on, when I put my shoes on to go to the grocery store, I slipped on the sunscreen residue and my right leg went flying out from under me. A pretty scene, I'm sure. I actually stopped to make sure I was okay & thought that I was. Since I was on my way to the store, and I thought I was okay, I stayed with my plan. I got in my car, drove to the store, and then when I went to get out of the car, I realized I wasn't so much okay... I couldn't stand up or get out of the car! I ended up getting back to the house & calling my friend Kathy who rushed over to retrieve my wheelchair & get me in the house. Mom dropped what she was doing & drove up to help me. After a visit to the chiropractor in the afternoon, I was feeling much better. However, he insisted that I stay in bed for the next 2 days to ensure that everything healed like it needed to. (I had slipped a disc out of place & given myself a bit of whiplash!) Anyway, I'm feeling fine now. It's never dull around here...

  • Baby Classes: Michael & I went to our first class together... Infant Safety and CPR... I'll just say that I left that class sufficiently frightened that I would never be able to keep our little girl safe from all of the dangers that this world presents. Michael went to a great class called "New Daddy Boot Camp" where he learned all kinds of stuff. We've got several more classes coming up... Car Seat Safety... Breastfeeding... and the most important, Childbirth Preparation! We've got 6 more weeks until our due date. Not that I would mind our little angel coming early... but I definitely want to make it through 2 more weeks - so I can have completed the Childbirth Prep class!

Alright, this post has taken me FOREVER to write... maybe that will teach me to keep up (and not wait so long between posts next time). Maybe...

1 comment:

  1. Love your Blog! You'll be so happy you kept it! And you look fantastic! I'm so happy for you!



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